retro plants. . . *sigh* my blog.
well, my blog i *used* to post on. . .
stuff happened people.
three years of "stuff". . .
a move, a baby, another move, divorce, school, disneyland, health issues, three kiddos, dating, release of not only ONE but TWO!!! Hunger Games movies and then add in the general life hud that we all have. . .
i am looking at you never-ending laundry! *shaking fist angrily*
so, you know, *STUFF* and it surely "happened"
all of it muy importante and all of it kept me *super* busy!
like, c'mon. . . three kiddos with one madre to conquer it all???
ya. . . BUSY, single momma right here!
it is a new year. 2014, to be exact peeps and i am ready to put the time that is needed into my beloved "retro plants" again.
darn straight!
2014. . .
a new year with my new resolution to craft, love, play and share it with all you wonderful peeps in the world.
i have loads to say and share so i am pretty stoked bout it. . . hope you are too and that you like it retro AND that we see you around. . . so stop by from time to time to see the happenings of "my blog" in this new year (^0^)!