Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pink or Blue? giveaway

what's it going to be. . . pink or blue?

one week from today we are going to find out what the new baby Plant is going to be. . . that's right. . . NO waiting for this gal!
i have to know if the little bean is a girl or boy! (^0^)

since we are so excited to find out the gender. . . we want you all in on the fun!
post a comment below of what you think the sex of the new babes is going to be (pink or blue? girl or boy?) and on next Tues. (Sept. 7th) i will draw a correct comment at random to win a fun surprise from this Plant house to yours!

so what is it. . . pink or blue?
guess right and you might be the *lucky* winner!

kits used: Minitoko


  1. exiting :D!
    I'm going for blue for a little boy plant!

  2. I think it will be a girl because I have two sisters, and I LOVE it. Three crazy girls is so much fun!!

  3. I vote a girl because the last 3 Plant babies have been boys! We're on a boy kick! I wanna see a how you would retro dress your own little boy!!

  4. I think it will be a girl and more retro cuteness in the Plant family. ;-)

  5. I think it will be a girl, but I'm going to vote BOY just cuz that is what I'm feelin at the moment! ;) Boys RULE!

  6. Girl!

    I absolutely LOVE having 3 girlies.


  7. I've been thinking boy all along! :)

  8. It would be awesome if you had a little boy... they are so fun! However, I think you are going to have a girl..

    So my vote is for a girl!

  9. I'm voting blue.
    A baby boy will mix things up a bit. Regardless, that baby will be the cutest.
    Fritzi Marie

  10. Hmmm, I'm a thinkin' its a pink bean!

    I'm so jealous that you'll know in a week! I still have at least 2 weeks :(

  11. i think it might be blue this time. :

  12. Boy ! Boy ! Boy!
    A friend told me that you should look at the way the hair "implantation" of your last kid to see how it turns (left or right) and if it's in the center or not of her head to find out what's the gender of your next kid (!!) Weird, a little bit stupid but fun.

  13. I vote girl because we all know you guys make the most adorable little ladies!

  14. As much as i'd LOVE for you to experience having a son, i'm voting GIRL! :D (i'm secretly hoping that jinxes you into having a boy.) HAHAAA!! isn't it funny b/c the joke's all on us b/c Little Bean's sex was decided LONG ago! : )

    danielle thompson

  15. Matthew and I have a pretty awesome track record for guessing the gender of people's babies. We're up to 17 out of 20. Given, I haven't seen you since you were pregnant with beautiful Kennedy, I might not make an accurate guess. But, I'm going with the gut feeling and saying girl. Girls are a lot of fun!

    Did I make that harder than it should be?? Good luck with the ultrasound. We're excited for you guys!!

  16. Boy all the way:) If it was a girl you wouldn't have questioned those delicious choc chip ice cream sandwiches you made. No girl would have made you question the taste of chocolate:)


thanks for stopping by the Retroplants. . .
hope to see you soon again!